From Indian Corn to Outer Space, WOMEN INVENT IN AMERICA

Nobel prize winning inventor Gertrude
Elion said, "If we don't have curiosity,
we don't have science."
Why do girls tend to lose interest in science at adolescence? How can we encourage both boys and girls to remain open, curious and questioning?... This book is a tool to help develop the curious mind. It provides role models for girls in the lives and achievements of women inventors. It provides inspiration and challenges to all young people.
* An historical look at women inventors from Colonial days to present time. Women's achievements grow as they gain rights. The link between freedom and creativity becomes clear.
* Fascinating first person accounts by contemporary inventors, including NASA women. Biographical data on many extraordinary inventors.
* Clear discussion of patents, trademarks, etc. with mock patent application
* The nuts and bolts of how to profit from an idea
* Creative exercises and puzzles after each chapter. Dramatics, group activities, suggested reading and writing assignments.
* Photographs, patent drawings and amusing sketches throughout book
The co-authors are ELLEN H. SHOWELL and FRED M.B. AMRAM, PHd. Dr. Amram, now retired, was an award winning professor of speech, communication and creativity at the University of Minnesota. He has lectured widely on women inventors and has been curator of several exhibitions highlighting the achievements of women inventors.
Published by Cobblestone Publishing, Inc., a division of Carus Publishing Company,30 Grove St., Suite C, Peterborough, NH 03458. 160 pages. Soft cover. Index. Grades 4-9. $19.50 plus $4.00 shipping and handling. Order online by clicking on the Cobblestone link at top of page, or call 1-800-821-0115.